Managing Content Blocks
Copy, Duplicate, or Delete with the Command Menu
Hover over the block of interest.
Select the group of dots to the left of the block.
Choose the appropriate option from the Command Menu.
Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete with Keyboard Shortcuts
Highlight a block or grouping of text within a block.
Use typical OS keyboard shortcuts for editing operations.
Selecting the grouping of dots to the left of a block as a means to select it for editing will not work with keyboard shortcuts.
Move a block
Hover over the block you want to move.
Click on the grouping of dots to the left of the block and hold the left mouse button down.
Drag the black line to the desired location.
Release the left mouse button.

Undo / redo
Use the cmd + z
and cmd + shift + z
keyboard short cuts to undo or redo most operations in Driver.
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