Generated Block Types
Write a smart instruction prompt without specifying any details about the expected block type of the generated content.

In this case, Driver will decide the appropriate block type for the content based on the nature of the prompt and references.
Specify that you want the generated content in the form of a paragraph.

There is no required or expected syntax for specifying the output format. You are free to describe the desired format with whatever specificity makes sense. For example, asking for a "single short paragraph", "exactly two paragraphs", or "no more than three paragraphs" are all equally valid.
Specify that you want the generated content in the form of a table.
Optionally list the expected columns
Optionally describe the expected columns
Sequence Diagram
Specify that you want the generated content in the form of a sequence diagram.

Block Diagram
Specify that you want the generated content in the form of a block diagram.
Ordered List

Un-ordered List

Nested List

Code Block
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